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How to get the right room environment so my child sleeps!

Sleep is essential for healthy growth and development, especially in children. However, getting children to sleep and stay asleep can be a challenging task for many of us parents! Not only can getting your child to sleep be frustrating, but sleep deprivation is also exhausting! We are here to explore how the room environment can affect sleep quality, and to provide tips on how parents can create the perfect bedroom environment so that everyone gets a better night sleep!

Is the bedroom dark enough?

The darkness of the room is a crucial factor in promoting falling asleep and staying asleep longer. Darkness triggers the release of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to bright light before bedtime, including blue light from electronic devices such as phones or TV. can suppress the release of melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. Make sure you turn the devices of half an hour before going to bed, and do some calming activities such as meditation or reading a book instead. Installing blackout blinds or curtains can block out external light sources, creating a dark environment that is conducive to sleep.

The Easynight Black out blinds are ideal for travelling as well as a permanent fixture for your nursery or child's bedroom - by making it nice and dark! Blacking out all of the light in your child’s bedroom helps them produce melatonin and simply makes sleeping easier. It also helps to prevent children waking up early when the sun rises. When hung correctly, the EasyNight blackout blinds block out 100% sunlight making the room dark for sleep and naps. The outer side also has a silvered material that reflects light and heat so the room stays cooler.


Reduce outside noise with white noise:

Noise is another environmental factor that can impact sleep quality. Loud noises such as car traffic or sudden noises such as thunderstorms can cause disruptions, leading to the interrupted sleep of your child. Parents can reduce environmental noise levels by using soundproof curtains or installing sound-absorbing materials in the room. Additionally, using a white noise machine or a calming music playlist can create a soothing background noise that helps children fall and stay asleep.

The Sensory Specialist offers a range of sound comforter animals that play soothing sounds or white noise to help children drift off to sleep, while also having a cuddly comforter to snuggle on to.


Get the room temperature right:

The temperature of the room is also an essential factor in promoting better sleep. The ideal temperature for sleep is between 15-19°C. Temperatures that are too hot or too cold can interfere with sleep quality, leading to frequent or early awakenings. Parents can regulate the temperature by adjusting the thermostat or using fans or heaters. In the colder months, check on your child before you go to bed yourself and see if they need any extra bedding applied.

Scents that bring on sleepiness:

Did you know that certain aromas or smells can bring on a sense of drowsiness and calm? The dream aromatherapy spray is infused with essential oils such as lavender and roman chamomile, that promote relaxation and calmness. These sprays can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere in the room, helping children to fall asleep faster. 

The Sleepypatch sleep promoting stickers are based on the same scientific research, and can be placed on a child's pyjamas or bedhead. Containing the natural power of essential oils such as Lavender and Mandarin to calm the nervous system and quickly relax your child's body into a state of deep sleep.


Get a bedtime routine happening:

Bedtime routines can also play a vital role in promoting better sleep. Children thrive on routine, and a consistent bedtime routine can signal to their bodies that it is time to sleep. Having a regular wake-sleep cycle also ensures children are getting the right amount of sleep, without under or over sleeping. Parents can establish a regular bedtime and engage in relaxing activities before bed, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath.

Our Daily routine cards can be used so that children can see the sequence of nightly events and know what is expected of them at bed time.

Make the bedroom feel safe:

Finally, the right lighting can create a calming environment that promotes better sleep for kids. A night light can provide a sense of security, especially for children who are afraid of the dark. The Buddy Penguin Night Light is a portable night light that emits a soft, warm glow that is gentle on the eyes. It can be used as a comforting bedtime companion, helping children to feel safe and secure as they fall asleep.

By creating the right sleep environment, parents can help their children to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and energized (as well as Mum and Dad too!).